What We Do

Department Services

  • Financial Wellness trainings & briefings
  • Admin week for new hires training and orientation
  • Group Benefits (if reevaluating deferred compensation, group life & disability insurance)
  • Coordinate with the wellness team and/or assist in the creation of establishing a wellness program

Individual Services

  • Review your pension formula and run your pension numbers
  • Run your retirement projections to see it you're on track (*can include/factor in spouse's benefits and plans)
  • Benefits overview for laterals to new departments enrolling in new benefits
  • Review deferred compensation retirement plans
  • Review any life insurance, long-term care and disability insurance plans and help you supplement any shortfalls

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  • Building Financial Resilience

    Steps to be better positioned for turbulent events such as inflation, roller-coaster markets, and global events — and hopefully emerge even stronger.

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